Thursday, 24 September 2015

देश सेवा का विचार

आज बहुत काम है. कल भी काम था, सिर की साथ था. काम चल रहा है. काम भी हो रहा है. ये प्रोग्राम पूरा हो जाए तो मुझे खुशी होगी. काफ़ी समय हो गया. चार साल से एक ही चीज़ टेयै कर रहा हू. सिर के साथ बोर सा होने लगा हू. मगर अभी खुशी खुशी काम फिनिश करना है. सिर्फ़ प्रोग्राम पूरा करने के लिये.आब जाना है. जल्दी जल्दी जाना है. लगता है!, मेरी जिंदगी का मकसद  अलग है.
आज लगा देश की सेवा करनी है. देश के लिए कुछ करना है. विचारो मे देश की सेवा का भाव, फीली बार देखा. अछा लगा!,फ्रीडम फाइट मे, मिट ने का मोका हमको नही मिला. पर किया! अभी भी देश मे जान देने का होसला है.
देश की सेवा हे जीवन का मकसद है.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Food Security

Food security is very important for a developed nation. It literally means everyone in the country is having access to food. Food security has three dimensions availability, accessibility and affordability. It is very important for every citizen of the country to have availability to food. It means that country should produce food grains which sufficient to stomach of the people. India has an agrarian economy. Majority of the population involves directly or indirectly in agriculture. 80% of Indian population works in agriculture sector but it contributes only 15 % of GDP while 75 % of contribution comes from service sector. Right now, India is major producer of wheat and rice. This was not the case in 1940’s and 1970’s. During British era,country economy has suffered a lot. In 1940’s in Bengal, there was famine in which around 30 lakhs people died due to starvation. At that time, production of rice was reasonable in the country but due to lack of transport facilities and negligence from British side leads to death of so many people. In 1970’s, when Lal Bahadur Shastri was the prime minister, India was struggling with its food sufficiency. Lal Bahadur Shastri emphasised on adopting new way of agricultural practices. There was a paradigm shift in policies from govt part which result in green revolution. After Green Revolution, farmers were using High yielding seeds, modern fertilizers and insecticides which increase the yield the wheat and rice. After that many revolution took place in India, one of revolution took place tin Anand district of Gujarat called White Revolution which made India self-sufficient in milk production.
But merely, producing food grains is not important for country storing them is equally important. Generally, FCI buy food grains from farmer on its least support price which is decided by govt of India before farmers sow their crop. These food grains are then stored in food grannies  for any emergency situation like famine etc. Govt also has distribution system in place for those who cannot able to buy food grains ie living below poverty line. Govtalso give them food grains on subsidies prices called issue price. This distribution took place on ration shop present in every part of country. Ration cards are issues for poor people so they can afford food grains at very low price. AAY (antyodaya scheme) a scheme for poorest of the poor provide wheat (3 rupee per KG) and rice (2 rupee per KG). Annapurna Scheme provides subsidies food grains to elder people. But still we can see many place people are dying of starvation and hunger. Reason for hunger and starvation is problem associated with public distribution system like storage problem of food grain, hoarding of food grains and black marketing.

Monday, 21 September 2015

vichar- rail yatra

भारत को एक दूसरे से जोड़ने का काम हमारी भारतीय रेल करती है. प्रति दिन भारतीय रेल से क्रोरे की संखिया मे लोग एक सथन से दूसेरे सथन पर जाते है. भारतीय आर्थिक विकास मे भारतीय रेल का महत्पूर्ण रोल रहा है. भारतीय रेल २४ अवर्स हमारी सेवा मे लगी रहती है.कई बार बचपन मे मैने रेल मे सफ़र किया है और आनंद भी लिया है. यह बात २००२ की है. जब मे यू .एस से देल्ही आया था  देल्ही मे मुझे अपने मित्र की शादी अटेंड  करनी थी. मैने एक दिन देल्ही मे आराम किया और अगले दिन नयी देल्ही रलीवेय स्टेशन से रेल ले ली. रेल मे चाड ते हे. मैं दंग रहे गया. रेल मे काफ़ी भीड़ थी. पर मुझे कोई परेशानी न्ही हुई. मैने एक खाली सीट  ले ली थी.
मे आराम से उस पर बैठ गया. रेल मे भीड़ थी पर लोग खुश थे. वो एक दूसरे से बात कर रहे थे. वो एक दूसरे से अपनी परिवारिक परेशन और अपनी खुशी साझा कर रहे थे.मैने यह देख कर खुश था की वो एक दूसरे ना जानते हुए भी तोड़ से समय मे मिल गये थे. इस बात से पता चलता है की आदमी एक सोशियल इंसान था और उसको एक दूसरे से बात करना पसंद है.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Poverty as key challenge

In our daily life, we come across people who we think are poor . They could be landless labours in village or people living in around us in overcrowded urban area living in the slums. It could our housemaid, driver, gardener, sweeper etc. The list is endless which made us realise that we are surrounded by poverty around us. In fact in India around 3 crores people living under poverty line. Poverty is one of key challenges India is facing today.Generally poverty is related to following issues like - unemployment, landlessness, size of family illiteracy , poor health, child  labour and helplessness.
Unemployment is directly related to poverty. Unemployment is when person is unemployed or active seeking for work.There are various type of unemployment. Some of them are seasonal and some is hidden unemployment. In seasonal unemployment person is unemployed for  a season. It is common in rural areas. In rural areas, many farmers are landless. They usually work on farmers having large farms which give them seasonal employment for their living during cultivation period.
There are four factors of production - land , labour, physical capital and human capital. Among these four factors of production human capital is most important. most developed countries invest on their human capital. they emphasis on providing their citizen skills and knowledge which can be a contributor in national income. The major problem with poor people is that they are uneducated. They do not have skills and knowledge which them to break the shackles of poverty. For example if the labour is uneducated and poor. he will  not have enough resource to educate their children which make their children uneducated and poor in future. Whereas educated people knows the importance of education very much.They give much importance to education. They believe giving education to children is an investment for bright future of their children and country.
Economist find poverty based  person occupation and their asserts.In pre independence, Dada Bhai Naoroji first time discuss poverty and poverty line. he gave a rough formulae to calculate poverty line. After independence, many planning commission and committee define poverty and poverty line. Indra Gandhi also gave the slogan in seventy garibi hatao. But we have failed in eradicating poverty till now and still it is a menace.In India, poverty live not only in rural area but it is present largely in urban area. Poverty in urban India is more as compare to rural India. In ninety, rural poverty has decreased but urban poverty has increased. The reason for this is shift is migration of people from rural area to urban area and increase in population.
The problem of poverty is not associated with India only. it is a global problem.About one fifth of the global population is poor. Many latin american countries and african countries are facing the problem of poverty. Namibia has largest number of poor than other countries of the world.International agencies has set up the global poverty line of 1 dollar per day. in India, if a person is earning less than 37 rupee in rural area and 47 rupee in urban area that it is considered as poor.The condition is improving slowly with various step taken by Govt of India. Various schemes are formulated to eradicate in this decade.


Saturday, 19 September 2015

First Day

हमारे जीवन मे अनेक घटनाए होती है जो बड़े हो कर भी हमको याद रहेती है और हम को प्रसन करती है. ऐसी ही घटना मे आपके साथ बटाने जा रहा हू. वो जून का महीना था सुबह सुबह मैं तयियर हो कर आपनी मा के साथ, हाथ मे पानी की बोतल लिए और पीठ पर किताब का बसता लिया जा रहा . मा खुश थी की मेरा बेटा आपने जीवन के एक नये चरण मे प्रवेश करने जा रहा है. हम दोनो घर से कुछ दूर जाकर  बस स्टॅंड के पास रुक गये. मा ने मुझसे बोला  बस! हम लोग को यही आना था, यही से हे मोटर मिलेगी. फिर थोड़ी देर बाद एक लाल मोटर हम को आती देखी. वह मोटर ह्मारे सामने आकर खड़ी हो गयइ. मेरी मा ने मुझे देखा जैसे बोल रही हो की बेटा तुम्हारा घर मे कखेलने का टाइम ख़तम हो गया है. अब! पढ़ी करने की बारी है. मेरी आखो मे भी स्कूल जाने की पीड़ा देखी जा सकती थी. मेरी आखो से जैसे आवाज़ निकल रही हो मा मे अभी छोटा हू. मैं तुम से दोर न्ही जा सकता मुझे आपने  पास ही रहने दो. पर ऐसा क्च न्ही हुआ मा ने मुझको बस मे चड़ा दिया. बस मे मुझे एक बड़ा सा आदमी दिखा. उस आदमी ने मुझ ज़ोर से आपने पास सीट पर दल दिया. वह आदमी बस का सहायक था. उसका काम बस मे बाचो का ध्यान रखना था. थोड़ी हे देर मे, मैं सभी बाचो के साथ गुल मिल ग्यंएरि जीवन मे जैसे कोई न्यी शक्ति आ गयइ थी और मैं उड़ान भरने को रेडी था.

Friday, 18 September 2015

My country "India" (brief)

Every human being who takes birth in this world belongs to some country. We as species are same but depending upon the geographical area, we belong to a particular country. Each country is divided with help of geographical boundaries decided by us which forms a particular country. All of us love our country and i too love mine INDIA. India is different from other countries of world. It has rich cultural heritage, natural flora and fauna and importantly peoples of different religion live together with happiness and brotherhood. It has glorified past and cultural heritage.
Indian history is divide into three different periods -ancient, medieval and modern history. Ancient civilization has Indus valley civilization, origin of different religion like Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. These religions influence other part of the world also like Buddhism which spreads to Mongolia, China, Sri-Lanka and other East Asian countries like Thailand and Burma. In medieval India, India past was glorified by culture, different art forms like dance and music of kingdoms of mughals, Sikhs and Rajputs etc. Taj Mahal, one of the seven wonders of the worlds was also built in this period. It was built by Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal. It was built with white marbles with gold and precious stones embedded into it. Because of this rich culture heritage and wealth. India was one of the centre of trade in modern India. Countries like France, British and Portuguese are interested in doing trade with it.this leads to colonial wars between these foreign countries and then with Indian rulers of that times. British was the one who occupied large area of India under colonial rule. Under British, Indian were exploited very much. Several taxes were imposed by British on Indian which leads to drainage of wealth from India to Britain.this exploitation leads to many revolts like revolt of 1857 and many national movement under leaders like Mahatma Gandhi. After years of struggle, we got our independence on 15 august 1947. India became a republic and democratic state. From then, India is on the path of economic and social development. Right now, it is counted as leader of world. It has greater say on international platforms and developing countries looks towards it for leadership like in non alignment movement during cold war. In 21 st century, when world economic is under recession, Indian economy is not effected by global recession and again world looks towards it for revival of world economy.